Monday, January 23, 2012

On Sleep

Awake over here
I tire from shaking your shoulder
Its no use
You wont come

Dangerous sleep this one
Not the restoring sleep
a long distance traveller needs
Not the light rest
of a man content
A poisonous sleep
with vivid dreams and fantasies
so alluring you never need to
open your eyes again.

Its no use
You wont come
I stand up
and walk

Saturday, October 29, 2011

It is always the same:
What is this place- she asks.
It is whatever you decide- I say.
The question is-
what part of you
is doing the deciding?

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Wait

The Sun came up all orange today
A perfect burning sphere
And my heart was full of love for you
as I watched it through the trees
Feeling clearly that it is easy
to make conviction
and to burn passion
and to nurture seeing eyes.
But you are not a man yet
and I- yet not a woman
and so we wait...

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Things as They Are

Keep still my heart
keep every drop of content
that you've gathered

A turquoise pool
in the depths of my chest
clear, still, cool...

We are one between the sheets
but stood there
we go deaf and we go blind

I watch this with no alarm
I can make it many things
and I can leave it blank

And I leave it blank

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Breaking the Jug

See here my new beginning
Here is my new world
Taste this candy
Rhubarb and custard
But what is what on the tongue
And what is what to the Heart-
Excitement and fear
Excitement and fear
And this heart burns
I was already held
Drop your fear Heart
Drop your fear Heart
And let me shine
Drop your fear Heart-
See how we shine.

Lake waters and moonlight
Cleansing me, finding the white,
showing the road to the peace inside
It was never night, never night
Always seeing the light

And the noise-
Dont get caught in the noise
All the daisies you sowed
All this garden you toiled
With your own heavy feet
Trampled down, trampled down, trampled down
as your tears flow
You've got to grow- forward
Step out of the noise
Step out of the noise
As the fire dances
I see many faces
There are other travellers on this road
We get weary
We are tender, tender at times
In this sacred place
In an open space
I know- I am already held
And we all learn to burn-

Drop your fear Heart
And let me shine
Drop your fear Heart
-right here and now-
See- we all shine!

Friday, August 12, 2011

To My Brother

Each year now
It sneaks up on me
Through the fabric
of reality
it comes close, so close,
that if I could only reach out
and lift the thin veil of time
there you would be
tall and slim and boyish
grinning and excited.
I may never know
what happened
and where you decided to go
but each year
I treasure this day
when you're right here, facing me
behind that thin veil of time
and I know we are both loved.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Whos Making My Mind Up???

you've got to choose- schmooze
notice how every moment of non decision
you're not even alive,
suspended on pause
a lonely character in the woods
soon the moss will invade
all your cavities
soon there will be nests
in your beard
and still you stand
undecided- which path?
Waiting for the film to come to the end
but it just keeps going
someone must have pressed the Repeat button
and still you cant see...
There is noone else
to come. Noone will come.
There is only You.